A burst of red color drew my eye to the spotted towhee hiding in the trees in the backyard.

So while seven and half inches of snow overnight kept me from my intended plan of photographing the holiday lights, there was plenty of bird action in my backyard. 

house sparrows in the snow

House sparrows digging for seed underneath the feeder.

dark eyed junco in the snow

Dark-eyed junco biding his time before darting over to the feeder.

Mourning dove in snowy tree

Mourning dove puffed up against the cold.

Common redpoll male in the snow

Couldn’t have asked for a better model than this male common redpoll. A first time visitor to my feeder. (Okay, okay, technically, since my husband keeps it filled, I guess it’s his feeder!)

Evening grosbeak in the snow

Evening grosbeak

Redbreasted nuthatch

Another new bird today!! Redbreasted nuthatch, though it isn’t the most flattering angle.

Male house finch

The sun came out briefly and spotlighted this male house finch, perched on the roof of the shed.